17 Mar 2015

AdSense Click Frauds Exposed AdSense Fake “CLICKERS” Group

Google AdSense is the most trusted Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising program known to the bloggers. What makes AdSense different from other counterparts is its efficient publisher revenue sharing system. As it is known to all, Google recently changed the policies of AdSense and the application program for it. It’s now a 2 step application process where first your account request is partially approved and after reviewing your account fully, Google provides you the full account access. As getting an AdSense account became a difficult task now, as you have to oblige some policies to get it. On the other hand it has become a business for some. Yes, lots of people do sell and buy AdSense accounts online, which is a straight violation of Google AdSense policy. Somehow people do get an AdSense account either by hook or crook, the main issue arise with the AdSense earnings.

Google Adsense Fraud Clicks

Google always warns you not to click on your ads and also not to urge anyone to click on your ads. Bloggers who own an AdSense account do worry about earnings if their blog don’t cover a good trending niche topic and don’t have proper traffic, so that makes them engage in AdSense click frauds . Adsense click frauds have taken a big spot among such blog owners, they do indulge in such activities which ultimately make their AdSense account disabled.

All AdSense click frauds follow the same line do-follow principle “ You click on my ads and I will click on your ads “. It is a bad activity since you asked someone to click on your ads, here you violated Google AdSense policy. A current survey report shows that when it comes to global AdSense click frauds index, yes “Asian” countries top the charts and more dominantly India, Pakistan, China, etc. Yes poor publishers from these countries join some bogus AdSense networks which promotes AdSense click frauds.

we have something great for you,
which in a way describes the full process behind this AdSense click frauds and how some innocent publishers are fooled.

Searching some clues we found an
AdSense network, a social group of people with name “AdSense clicker” or a person having his/her last name as “Clicker” on Facebook. Yes the whole AdSense click frauds system is running on Facebook with full thrust and day by day members of such groups are increasing.

Exposing AdSense click frauds
community “AdSense Clicker” group

   * A community or a group with   the name “AdSense Clicker” is made and people joining such groups know their business, so not listing here.

    * The preferred way is to create a Facebook profile with last name as “Clicker”. Automatically Facebook willshow a list of people whom you can add from ‘recommended friends section’ or you’ll get friend requests from such other people by self.

  * Real process starts here, you ask these publishers to make certain impressions on your blog and then clicking on your ads (one or two). It’s a process like “you scratch my back and I will scratch yours”.

* Such groups don’t allow clicking from proxies sometimes so they enter in website via some organic keyword and then makes some page impressions.

So how far do you think this AdSense click frauds will go. Tell you truly this system works a lot, though Google somehow later tracks the invalid click activity and the account is banned. But that’s all about bad luck.

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