27 Mar 2015


Once upon a time Rajnikanth used a tooth powder to get strong teeth; today that powder is used as Ambuja Cement

Once Rajnikanth was playing cricket and rain stopped due to Heavy Play

Once Rajnikanth went for a walk and after an hour police arrested him. Because he had reached the United States without a visa.

Rajnikanth was practicing for a spelling test. The rough sheet he used is today known as the Oxford Dictionary!

Hrithik tried to participate in a dance competition with Rajnikanth. Result: He is in a wheel-chair in Gujarish.

Rajnikanth was once told to choose three subjects when he got admission in junior college. He chose science, arts and

Rajnikanth can make calls from his iPod to his iPad! One night, while asleep, Rajnikanth was mumbling some random numbrs. That’s how the Log table was invented.

One day Rajnikanth bunked school. Since then it is known as Sunday.

Rajnikanth doesn’t do push-ups. He pushes the earth down. Superman can fly. Rajnikanth can make others fly. Time waits for Rajnikanth. And he can kill time too. Dead sea died because Rajnikanth killed it. If you ask Rajnikanth what time it is, he says “2 seconds till” . After you ask “till what?” he roundhouse kicks you in the face. Once, a cobra bit Rajinikanth. After 5 days of excruciating pain, the cobra died. Rajinikanth and Superman once made a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underpants on the outside. Rajinikanth was once in a knife fight: And the knife lost. When Rajinikanth gets pulled over, he lets the cop off with a warning. It takes Rajinikanth 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. Rajnikanth does not wear a watch. He decides what time it is. His email id: gmail@rajnikanth.com! His email id: rajnikanth@hotmale.com Rajnikanth can drown a fish. Rajinikanth leaves messages before the beep. Rajinikanth once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are today called giraffes. Rajinikanth can make onions cry. Rajinikanth doesn’t breathe. Air hides in his lungs for protection. Rajinikanth does not own a stove, oven, or microwave, because revenge is a dish best served cold. Rajinikanth has already been to Mars. That’s why there are no signs of life there.

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